Venus, the Goddess of love and beauty.
Also known as the Morning and Evening Star, Venus is the second planet from the sun. Venus stands as the brightest object in the sky behind the Sun and the Moon, primarily due to Venus's atmosphere's reflection. Venus is very similar to the Earth in both size and mass and often times referred to as our sister planet.
To the ancients, Venus has always been seen as the universal ruler of union through love. Venus represents the binding force, the attraction, the harmony of partnership and cooperation.
Venus represents all that is beautiful, luxurious, and pleasant. Venus rules love, art, money, women, physical possessions, opulence, etc... It is through Venus by which we come to understand the beauty of balance through partnership. Where Venus stands in your natal chart is where you will find an appreciation for beauty and harmony, it is where you will most likely benefit from partnership, be it romantic or platonic.